Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Council, Monday, 12th December, 2016 6.30 pm (Item 42.)

Written questions may be asked of the Leader or any Cabinet Member if submitted to the Head of Democratic, Legal and Policy Services no later than 12 noon on Monday 5 December 2016. Questions will be submitted in the order in which they were received.


A questioner will have a maximum of 1 minute to ask a question and the answer shall not exceed 3 minutes. Any questioner may put one supplementary question without notice within a maximum time of 1 minute and the answer may not exceed 2 minutes.   


(a)Question from Mr T Snaith to the Cabinet Member for Housing

"Wycombe District continues to have a dire need for low cost and social rent affordable homes.


WDC identified that HMOs could be one such route. However there was a need to improve the quality of some of the HMOs in the district to meet acceptable standards.  


In the last Council administration there was a Councillor T&F group set up to look at Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) and how WDC could introduce a new licencing system to improve the quality and monitoring of these properties


Perhaps the Cabinet Member for Housing could give an update on how this project is progressing?"


Response from Councillor Mrs J Langley (Cabinet Member for Housing)


"I understand you have already received a response from officers but I will elaborate further.


The recommendation was considered by the Cabinet Member alongside a consultation from Central Government on a proposal for the mandatory licensing of HMO’s. I as Cabinet Member commissioned a cross party Policy Action Group (PAG) on this matter and it was decided to wait for the consultation to conclude from central Government before a decision was made on how Wycombe District Council was to proceed. I do not want to waste time and money.


Supplementary Question


"Do you agree that HMOs in the area are of poor quality, with slum landlords exploiting the most vulnerable. Whilst WDC continues to procrastinate regarding HMO licencing London Councils are buying properties in the area to house its homeless.


Licencing should happen but do you agree we need solutions?  People should not be sent to bed and breakfasts in Slough instead WDC should use its properties and proceeds to purchase its own HMOs. This would be a great Christmas present for the people of High Wycombe.


Supplementary Response


"The Government is committed to raising standards with regard to HMOs.  The relevant PAG will discuss the issues further with a consultation expected to be carried out in the early part of the year."


(b)Question from Mr R Colomb to the Cabinet Member for Housing

Mr Colomb had submitted the following question:

"In 2014 an Improvement and Review Commission Task & Finish Group conducted an in-depth review of Houses in multiple occupation. Its recommendations were considered by the Cabinet in February 2015, and it was resolved that a further report be presented to the July 2015 Cabinet responding to each of the recommendations in detail.

Would you please state what these recommendations were, as I have been unable to trace them?"

Mr Colomb stated that as this question was similar to the previous public question, he would proceed straight to his supplementary question and not ask the question above. 

"It is dangerous to rely on the lethargy of Government to decide what we should do. Why not move forward faster, instead of waiting around forever as we wait for Brexit.


We want to see quality and improvement with a reasonable spread of the HMOs." 


Response from Councillor Mrs J Langley (Cabinet Member for Housing).


"I am satisfied that we are moving in the right direction, reducing red tape. A district wide review of HMOs would be a mammoth task.  I do want to proceed but do not want to waste time and money. The PAG is to reconvene in January to consider the issues further.


There was no supplementary question


©Question from Mr Blunkell in the absence of Mr D Done to the Cabinet Member for Community

"Many voluntary organisations in Marlow are facing large increases in the cost of room hire and catering services at Court Garden, brought about by the removal of concessionary rates formerly given to local organisations.


These arrangements were in place for many years, only now being removed due to the subcontracting of the management of many facilities to an events company. In one case, a local organisation, having already placed a deposit for the provision of a meal, had that deposit returned and had to enter into a new agreement at increased cost with the new company.


It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this Council is unaware of, or deliberately ignoring, its obligations to the local community as sole trustee of the Higginson Park Trust. This is the body established, as outlined in the trust deed, to provide these facilities "for the benefit of the inhabitants of the District of Wycombe with particular regard for the inhabitants of the town of Marlow", not for anyone the contractors decide can provide them with a commercial return.


Why is this happening?  


Response from Councillor Mrs J Adey (Cabinet Member for Community).


"As you correctly say, the Higginson Park Trust has the purpose of providing a leisure resource for inhabitants of the District, though this does not imply any financial subsidy and the Trust is required to balance its books. The 50% discount previously offered to community organisations & charities for venue hire at Court Garden House is an historic legacy, not a Trust requirement or formal Council commitment. This discount has never applied to catering services. When letting the new operator contract the Council required the successful bidder to provide a maximum of £2,000 per annum financial assistance.


Places for People Leisure Ltd reviewed the subsidy in October and found that offering the 50% discount exceeded £9,000 in the first six months of the year, well in excess of the contractual obligation. This is not sustainable and in order to ensure that the available £2,000 is distributed in the most equitable way, the level of subsidy for eligible bookings will be reduced to 10% with effect from 1st January 2017.


Some local groups may be unaware that the Council also provides Venue Hire Grants, offering a 50% subsidy of venue hire fees to not-for-profit and voluntary groups. The award criteria and full details of this scheme, together with an application form are available on the Wycombe District Council website."


Supplementary Question


"Thank you for your comprehensive answer. I trust I will be able to receive it in writing at some stage."


Supplementary Response


"Yes indeed."




Supporting documents: